Have you ever felt the urge to make something? Or had a genius plan just download into your brain? It’s called creative inspiration, and it gives you a burst of enthusiasm and motivation to make or innovate. Books are a great place to go to find ideas or research the many possibilities that are out there in the world. Here are a few book recommendations for when the mood strikes you.
Get Crafting for Your Hip Hamster
By Ruth Owen
Minneapolis, MN: Bearport Publishing, 2021, Informational, 24 pages
By Ruth Owen
Minneapolis, MN: Bearport Publishing, 2021, Informational, 24 pages
This is one crafty book in the Playful Pet Projects series, and I don’t know who will have more fun - you or your hamster! There are step-by-step instructions to make a popsicle stick hamster house, carrot cupcakes, a mini hamster maze, and a snuggle pouch. This one is sure to inspire some one-on-one time with your cute little fluff ball.
By Stephanie Corfee
Beverley, MD: Quarry Books, 2020, Informational, 143 pages
This do-it-yourself manual has 52 projects in 7 different categories focusing on unique self-expression. Using everything from paint to pipe cleaners, you will manufacture, embellish, or upcycle items to beautify your surroundings and give meaningful gifts. A true treasure of excitement and empowerment!
By Kate Messner
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2020, Informational, 42 pages
Kate Messner, author of more than 60 books, gives her 10 step formula for writing a story. Overflowing with encouragement for young writers, she outlines the whole process from idea collection to sharing it with friends. Do you have an idea for a story that wants to be told?
By Helen Yoon
Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2021, Picture book
You never know when creative inspiration will strike or with what! What could you do with a roll of tape? Or some paper clips? In this story, our main character has a hard time resisting a full remodel of Daddy’s boring gray office. He won’t mind, will he?
By Robyn Wall and A.N. Kang
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2024, Picture book
What happens when all of your artistic hard work gets ruined? Just ask Kiara, an itsy bitsy spider whose web-spinning skills are put to the test. Should she quit? Is it all lost? Find out what Kiara learns in this delightfully illustrated story.