I know quite a few people who have birthdays during the December/January holidays. For some of them it can be a struggle, since everyone is focused on the holidays and their birthdays can be skipped over. For others, they like having a birthday when all the family is together and celebrating so many things. Either way, here is a list of picture books that can take you to a birthday celebration and help brighten any birthday, even those that happen during the holidays.
Written by Laekan Zea Kemp
Illustrated by Elisa Chavarri
New York: Little, Brown and Company, Hachette Book Group, 2023. Picture Book.
Corina is having a birthday, and that means that she can pick some flowers from Abuela’s garden to make a flower crown to wear at the fiesta. Abuela helps Corina pick special flowers that have meaning in Corina’s life. Then Abuela puts la corona on Corina’s head, so that she can remember all the things that have meaning—both of Corina’s life and her past. In this story, readers will discover not only a fun new tradition associated with birthdays, but they will also see how family history and everyday life can be the “roots” to help a person be who they are meant to be.
Written by Stef Wade
Illustrated by Husna Aghniya
New York: Running Press Kids, Hachette Book Group, 2023. Picture Book.
Winnie loves her birthday—so much so that she can’t wait for her next birthday. Only, it won’t come around for a whole year. To help her wait, her parents help her celebrate all sorts of fun little holidays (like National Popcorn Day or Dress in Blue Day) along with the bigger holidays (like the fourth of July or Christmas.) With sweet parents that help Winnie understand the importance of all the days, this is a great story to help kids who love big celebrations and can’t wait for the next ones.
By Kim-Hoa Ung
New York: Feiwel and Friends, 2023. Picture Book.
In this sweet story, Lyn Lyn has a great relationship with her grandmother, Nai Nai. Nai Nai teaches Lyn Lyn how to crochet and Lyn Lyn decides she wants to crochet something special for Nai Nai’s birthday. Only, Lyn Lyn needs Nai Nai’s help since Lyn Lyn isn’t very good at crocheting yet. This is a sweet story about a great girl who wants to share love with her grandma by making her something special—just like how her grandmother does for her.
Written by Maureen Gaspari
Illustrated by Siski Kalla
London: Upside Down Book, Welbeck Children’s Books, 2021. Picture Book.
Lucas doesn’t like birthday parties. They are just too much (too “loud,” too “crowded,” too “chaotic.”) But, Lucas wants to like birthday parties. So, when he is invited to another one, he goes. However, it isn’t fun for him, until he finds a new friend hiding under the table where the party isn’t so overwhelming. This story helps those who need more quiet celebrations feel seen, as well as those who like the chaos to understand why others may not.
Written by Kealani Netane
Illustrated by Dung Ho
New York: Orchard Books, an Imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2024. Picture Book.
When Tala sees Aunty Sina dancing, she is enthralled. Tala decides to ask Aunty Sina to teach her how to dance. And she does. Only, learning to dance isn’t as easy as Tala thought it would be. There is a lot of practice and a lot of mistakes. But, Aunty keeps encouraging Tala. Then, when it is Grandma’s birthday party, Tala dances the Siva for the party. This is a heart-warming story about family, love, and determination to reach goals and to remember family—both past and present.