Preschool Time
Written by Kate Messner
Illustrated by Mackenzie Haley
New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2023. Picture Book.
This laugh-out-loud picture book takes readers to a just-PURR-fect haunted house where they'll meet a not-so-scary kitten and a collection of the cutest little critters anyone has ever seen. --Publisher
Preschool Time
Written by Rachel Bright
Illustrated by Jim Field
New York: Scholastic Press, 2017. Picture Book.
Kevin is a koala who clings to his tree, and never comes down to play with the other animals--until one day his tree falls down, and Kevin learns that the ground is not as scary as he believed. --Editor
Toddler Time
Written by Julia Donaldson
Illustrated by David Roberts
New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2019. Picture Book.
A hungry but finicky king wants Wobbly Bob as his new cook, but must pitch in to do everything the cook is afraid to do, from fishing to frying. --Editor
Book Babies
Written by Ame Dyckman
Illustrated by Alex G. Griffiths
New York: Little Simon, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division, 2018. Board Book.
Roary the Lion loves to roar his big outside roar, but he needs help learning when to use a quiet voice instead. --Editor
By Norman Bridwell
New York: Scholastic Inc., 2017. Libro ilustrado.
Clifford acompaƱa a Emily Elizabeth a su primer dĆa de kindergarten donde cantan canciones y juegan en el salĆ³n. --Editor
Written by Smriti Halls
Illustrated by Alison Brown
Barcelona: Picarona, 2024. Libro ilustrado.
Desde los abrazos de oso a los mimos de koala, pasando por los achuchones de morsa y los apretones de hipopĆ³tamo, Ā”hay un montĆ³n de abrazos entre los que escoger! Pero a veces los MEJORES abrazos son los mĆ”s cercanos ... Advertencia: Puede que quieras ABRAZAR este libro. Esta irresistible historia del equipo de superventas Smriti Halls y Alison Brown, llena de divertidos y tiernos abrazos de animales, es perfecta para compartir y leer en voz alta. --Editor
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