It's spooky season, and that means a whole new crop of Halloween books! While any book is fun to browse, I have to admit that every year I especially look forward to when the new Halloween picture books start popping up! So, here are a few for you to enjoy from this year.
Written by RaĆŗl the Third
Illustrated by Elaine Bay
New York: Versify, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2024. Picture Book.
A seamless blend of two different cultural traditions, as well as, languages, Ā”Vamos! Let's Celebrate Halloween and DĢa de los Muertos is a visual and engaging delight. Following Little Lobo and his friends as they first dress up in costumes and trick-or-treat, and then as they work with their families to remember those who have passed on, this story will give you something new to enjoy on every page!
Written by Andrew Gold
Illustrated by Polona Lovsin
New York: Random House, 2024. Picture Book.
Written with the lyrics of the classic song by Andrew Gold, this visual version follows five little trick-or-treaters dressed as skeletons as they have a fun Halloween night.
Written by Barry Timms
Illustrated by Laura Borio
Wilton, CT: Tiger Tales, 2024. Picture Book.
Griselda Snook runs a Halloween-themed bookshop that caters to the reading needs of the classic Halloween characters who make up her community. However, one day a young boy named Henry finds a key to the shop and is skeptical that he'll ever find a book that he loves. With a spooky yet cozy vibe, Griselda Snook's Spectacular Books is a fun new take in comparison to the usual Halloween tales.
Written by Tiffany D. Jackson
Illustrated by Sawyer Cloud
New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2024. Picture Book.
When Janelle's family's Halloween night plans in the suburbs are upended, Janelle isn't sure how she should celebrate Halloween in her large metropolis of New York City. She starts asking members of her community how they celebrate in the city, and ends up finding out about the many diverse ways this holiday is observed in an urban landscape.