Preschool Time
By Jessie Sima
New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2021. Picture Book.
When a house believes she is haunted, she tries everything in her power to stop it in order to get people to move in--until she realizes that she is fine just the way she is. --Editor
Preschool Time
By Jon Klassen
Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2016. Picture Book.
Two turtles find a hat that looks good on both of them, but, with fairness in mind, they decide to leave it be, until night falls and one of the turtles changes its mind. --Editor
Toddler Time
Written by Karen Kane and Jonaz McMillan
Illustrated by Dion MBD
New York: Nancy Paulsen Books, 2024. Picture Book.
One night, just before bedtime... Milo read a book about a monster under the bed. Milo should not have read that book. Monsters under the bed are scary, but luckily, Milo's best friend, Mel, knows just what to do--scare the monster more than the monster scares you! --Publisher
Book Babies
By Susanne Strasser
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge, 2018. Board Book.
With an elephant on one end of the teeter-totter, it takes a lot of animals on the other side--and one child--before the teeter-totter will start to move up and down. --Editor
Written by Ana Siqueira
Illustrated by Irena Freitas
New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2022. Libro ilustrado.
Si consigues una nueva niƱera y ya casi es Halloween, ten cuidado ... Ā”porque podrĆa ser una bruja! --Publisher
By Mo Willems
New York: Hyperion Books for Children, 2015. Espanol facil.
Gerald el elefante tiene una gran decisiĆ³n que tomar, pero Āælo harĆ” a tiempo? --Editor
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