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From Story Time: The Letter "C"

Preschool Time
Written by Jennifer E. Smith
Illustrated by Leo Espinosa
New York: Random House Studio, 2021. Picture Book.

On the island of Habit lives a very big creature who does the exact same things in the exact same order every day, but when a small creature comes along who wants to do something different every day, the creature of Habit must learn to adapt. --Editor

Preschool Time
Written by Megan Woodward
Illustrated by Risa Rodil
New York: Aladdin, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division, 2024. Picture Book.

A humorous picture book that curses those who read it, then guides readers through the steps to break the curse. --Publisher

Toddler Time
By Thao Lam
Berkeley, CA: Owlkids Books, 2019. Picture Book. 

A narrator describes all the ways in which her cat and father are--or are not--alike. They both love milk (we see them with milk mustaches) and sardines (ew!). They both start their mornings with stretches (yoga routine) and their afternoons with naps. What starts out as a humorous series of comparisons and visual gags takes a more meaningful turn when we realize the narrator may not be much like her parents at all. In the end, the narrator proclaims, "My cat is like my dad. But me? I'm like my mom." We see the same blue eyes, the same poofy hair--and then two pairs of dancing feet, but one belongs to a bird! It turns out the narrator is a pet parrot that readers will have glimpsed in the earlier spreads. Family, writes Thao, is what you make it. This is Thao's first picture book with text. Illustrations will still be done in cut-paper collage. --Publisher

Book Babies
Written by Dr. John Hutton
Illustrated by Candice Hartsough
Cincinnati, OH: Blue Manatee Press, 2020. Board Book. 

Who's plump and pokey?" Animals are hiding throughout picturesque scenes of different habitats. With other animals of the region nearby, kids will have to seek closely to identify the described animal on each page. --Editor

Written by Susanna Isern
Illustrated by Carles Ballesteros
Barcelona: Combel Editorial, 2017. Espanol facil.

Un gran cocodrilo ha aparecido en la granja. Pero para que pueda quedarse, es necesario encontrarle un sitio. ¿Podrá vivir con las gallinas?, ¿y con los cerdos? --Publisher

Written by Mariana Llanos
Illustrated by Cocoretto
Concord, MA: Barefoot Books, 2023. Libro illustrado. 

Espeluznantes criaturas del folclore peruano quieren asustar a Benita. ¿Podrá leer su libro en paz? --Publisher

Other Letter C Books


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