By Sarah Finan
Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2024. Informational.
How do protect your ears when it’s loud? Or your eyes from the water when you swim? Some activities require special equipment to help us stay safe. We wear a helmet when we ride a bike, gloves when we play in the snow, or goggles when we go swimming. Sarah Finan explains several of the different situations in which we wear protective equipment and why it’s important to keep us safe.
While staying light-hearted, this book is excellent for promoting engagement by including plenty of onomatopoeia to describe potentially dangerous situations. Using just yellow and blue, the images show movement with different painting techniques, like splattering yellow to show a chemical reaction or smearing a train to show it rushing past. All over, it is beautiful in its simplicity and a great introduction to why we sometimes have to wear silly-looking clothes.