Stories in the Park
Written by Stephen W. Martin
Illustrated by Cornelia Li
Toronto, ON: Owlkids Books, 2019. Picture Book.
Max and her dog Boomer accidentally break a vase, a treasured family heirloom-the only thing that Max's great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother managed to save when her houseboat sank. Instead of coming clean, they decide to do the next most logical thing: Build a time machine, travel back to her great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother's home, and smash the vase then so that they can't smash it later! What could possibly go wrong? Building the time machine is surprisingly easy, but controlling the thing proves difficult. After mucking up the time-space continuum, Max and Boomer end up crashing into the family houseboat-and sinking it. Lacking the heart to break anything else, Max and Boomer return to the near-present to warn their near-past selves not to build a time machine... --Publisher
Stories in the Park
Written by Darren Farrell
Illustrated by Maya Tatsukawa
New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2021. Picture Book.
With the help of a magic dandelion, Jonah heads off on a grand pirate adventure, but he will need the reader's assistance to navigate choppy waters and defeat ferocious monsters. --Editor
Summer Story Time and Canopy Capers
By David Covell
New York: Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, 2024. Picture Book.
In this gorgeous picture book, a girl and her father build a campfire together to keep the cold at bay. But as they welcome passing travelers--from musicians to animals--they create a community, fostered by a crackling fire and its comforting warmth. --Editor
Summer Story Time and Canopy Capers
Written by Sean Taylor
Illustrated by Jean Jullien
Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2017. Picture Book.
Monster may think he wants to be in a scary story, but then again... A hilarious return by the team that brought us Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise. Our author would like to write a funny story, but his main character -- Monster -- has a different idea. He wants to be the star of a chilling, petrifying, utterly terrifying SCARY story. But scary stories... well, they can be very scary -- especially for their characters! Particularly when they involve dark forests and creepy witches and spooky houses... Oh yikes and crikes, this is definitely not the scary story Monster had in mind! Maybe he wants to be in a funny story after all! --Editor
Book Babies
Written by Rachel Matson
Illustrated by Joey Chou
New York: Scholastic Inc., 2021. Board Book.
The Teeny Tiny Farmer says good bye to her cow, sheep, and pig and heads to market in her teeny tiny truck. All is well until her teeny tiny truck gets a tiny bit ... STUCK! What will she do? Can she get unstuck all on her own, or does she need a little bit of help from a friend or two? --Editor
Written by José Carlos Andrés
Illustrated by Lucía Serrano
Madrid: NubeOcho, 2022. Libro illustrado.
A Ainhoa sus padres nunca la regąan, pero ella quiere que la traten como a sus hermanos: --Yo no soy diferente!--grita. A lo mejor si que lo es, porque Ainhoa es... ¡la más revoltosa de los tres! --Publisher
Written by Verónica Uribe
Illustrated by Scarlet Narciso
Caracas, Venezuela: Ediciones Ekaré, 2017. Libro de cartón.
Hay animales de todos los colores. Pero, por muy distintos que sean, todos se parecen en algo: a todos les gusta jugar y a todos les llega, de vez en cuando, ¡la hora de bañarse. --Publisher