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Showing posts from July, 2024

Review: Mid-Air

Mid-Air By Alicia D. Williams New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2024. Fiction. 313 pages. 13-year-old Isaiah doesn't feel like he fits in anywhere. Boys at school tease him for being a Black boy who listens to rock music. His father has a job that means he's gone more than he's home. Even his best friends Drew and Darius aren't always his scene. The three boys want to break a world record and love to challenge each other to do stunts on their bikes and skateboards -- but sometimes Isaiah is too scared and makes excuses. But one terrible day, the three are trying a new stunt when Darius is hit by a car and killed. Now, Isaiah and Drew are trying to figure out how to go on after the death of their friend and it feels to Isaiah like their friendship won't survive. Isaiah, who is used to hiding parts of himself, doesn't have anyone to turn to and begins to shut down before he is sent to the country to stay with his aunt and uncle to heal.  This book is qui

Review: Force of Nature

Force of Nature: A Novel of Rachel Carson    Written by Ann E. Burg Illustrated by Sophie Blackall New York: Scholastic Press, 2024. Fiction. 278 pages. This lovely novel in verse follows the life of Rachel Carson during her childhood, her youth, as a student in college, and as she grows into her dream career as a scientist. Rachel loves writing, being in nature, and is an incredibly curious child! As she explores her world, Rachel’s mother is a great guide who is happy that her daughter loves many of the same things that she does. The flip side is that her mother places a lot of her hopes and dreams on Rachel’s success and this is sometimes a heavy burden for her to carry.  Rachel struggles to find her place in a world where only men are viewed as scientists. Women who want to be involved in science are only considered for teaching positions. This is frustrating to Rachel, and she refuses to accept the status quo. Throughout this informative novel, Rachel continues to foster her love