Farms are an essential part of our world. Farms provide us with food, materials for clothes, and so much more. There is so much to learn about the work that goes into making a farm function to provide us with our every-day needs. Here are some picture books that take you to the farm.
By Maria Gianferrari
New York: Norton Young Readers, 2023. Informational. Picture Book.
There are so many things that we use every day that come from a farm. There are all different kinds of farms, from wheat to fruit to dairy and everything that we consume comes from them. This book helps us to remember that whether we have berries on our plate or milk in our cups, there is a farmer to be grateful for. A great informational book on the different kinds of work that is done on a farm.
Written by Kalee Gwarjanski
Illustrated by Elizabet Vukovic
New York: Random House Childrens Books 2024. Picture Book.
This book is a fun take on the classic song “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.” While the original song focuses on all of the animals that are on the farm, Miss McDonald loves things that grow from the earth. Miss MacDonald likes to plant a variety of seeds that grow into all kinds of colorful veggies. Along with planting she also weeds, waters, prunes, shucks, picks, washes, and cans the produce.
By Sherri Dusky Rinker and Ag Ford
San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books LLC, 2022. Picture Book.
Six large farming trucks make their way to a farm where they are greeted by the farm’s pick-up truck and tractor. The Bulldozer gets to work filling a crack in the road. The dump truck takes away the debris. The big tractor pulls a plow while the little tractor plants the corn seeds. We get to see all the ways each farming truck is used throughout the seasons.
Illustrated by Barry Root
Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2021. Picture Book.
Written from the perspective of the barn, we learn how this farm started from the work of many hands over a hundred years ago. It is the center and heart of the farm. The barn watches over the animals in its fields and provides safety and shelter for them at night.