Preschool Time
Written by Anne Marie Houppert
Illustrated by Daniel Wiseman
New York: Abrams Appleseed, 2020. Picture Book.Ready to go on a camping trip with the Alphabet Academy? F packs fishing poles. J has juice boxes for everyone. T tackles a tent. But X can't think of a thing to bring! --Publisher
Preschool Time
Written by Kim Howard
Illustrated by Megan Lotter
New York: Feiwel and Friends, 2021. Picture Book.
After Box delivers a refrigerator, Grace and Box become friends, camping together, going to space, and exploring the depths of the sea, among other adventures. After a few days of playing together, Grace notices that Box is getting some rips and crumples, which she's determined to fix, so they can continue their fun. --Editor
Toddler Time
Written by Kara LaReau
Illustrated by Vincent X. Kirsch
New York: Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2022. Picture Book.
Ezra always lets his light shine bright--extra bright. And he always makes an extra effort when it comes to the people he loves. So when Ezra meets Jane, the new girl at school, he's ready to do whatever it takes--and more--to be her friend. He offers her a sparkly cupcake and colorful balloons, and he even writes a flashy song. But Jane doesn't seem to notice. Ezra is confused--everyone usually loves his gifts! After his failed attempts, Ezra realizes he must ask himself what it truly means to be a good friend. --Publisher

Book Babies
Written by Lisa Varchol Perron
Illustrated by Sheryl Murray
New York: Little Simon, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division, 2023. Board Book.
A sandcastle falls with a wave, a seagull swoops down for a precious cracker, a looming thunderstorm means beach time is over, and summer draws to a close. Although most everything changes or comes to an end, a parent's love never does. It endures and reassures no matter what. --Publisher
Monday Cuentos
Written by Štěpánka Sekaninová
Illustrated by Veronika Zacharova
Alzira: Algar Editorial, 2022. Informativo. 26 pages.
¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Cómo duele!. ¿Oís esos lloros? Al dragón de la cueva le duele la muela, pero no sabe que una princesa obstinada está a punto de ayudarle. ¡Venga, para de llorar, amigo dragón! Coge el cepillo y la pasta de dientes y que empiece la lección. Lo siguiente que sabemos es que, aunque antes lloraba y era muy desordenado, ¡ahora es un dragón muy aseado! Gracias a la princesa, aprenderá la forma correcta de lavarse las manos y los dientes, y también cómo mantener las cosas limpias y ordenadas. Comerá verduras y cambiará su aburrimiento por deporte. ¿Os gustaría uniros al dragón para aprender un estilo de vida saludable? ¿De verdad? Entonces, dejad que la princesa os enseñe cómo se hace. --Publisher
Friday Cuentos
By Joe Cepeda
New York: Holiday House, 2023. Lector fácil.
Un niño se sube a un saltador y hace mandados para su abuela.
A boy hops on a pogo stick and runs errands for his grandmother. "Salto is a companion to Joe Cepeda's other ¡Me gusta leer! books, including Arriba, Veo, and Cavo, featuring the same curious, excited brothers exploring the world around them and celebrating the diversity of everyday life. --Publisher
By Ben Clanton
Barcelona: Juventud, 2022. Libro de cartón.
¡Si un problema se dibuja siempre aparece una nueva burbuja! ¡Abre este libro y lo verás! Una propuesta con los dos protagonistas más divertidos del cómic infantil, en esta ocasión para los más pequeños de casa. Descubriremos que, con imaginación, una mantita y unas burbujas pueden dar mucho juego. Dos libros de cartón llenos de rimas y situaciones de lo más narvalásticas para que toda la familia se lo pase en grande. --Editor