Preschool Time
Written by Lou Kuenzler
Illustrated by Julia Woolf
London: Faber and Faber Limited, 2022. Picture Book.
It seems Rosie is up to no good as she breaks into the houses of Bear, Flamingo and Snake, but when Officer Skunk catches her in the act all she has taken is junk! But Rosie has a plan to recycle these treasures and make something new. --Editor
Preschool Time
Written by Lisa Tolin
Illustrated by Daniel Duncan
New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2022. Picture Book.
A child offers advice on starting a rock band, going on tour, and leaving the audience wanting more. --Editor
Toddler Time
Written by Jonathan E. Jacobs
Illustrated by Samantha Cotterill
New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2020. Picture Book.
Meet Hudson, a hippo. Fran, an earthworm. And Jean, a lightbulb. They have one thing in common: a profound appreciation for rhinos. So, they form a Secret Rhino Appreciation Society, in which a key activity it wearing paper horns. (Sometimes this results in a fire. That's what happens when a lightbulb wears a paper horn.) But when they meet their first real, live rhino and ask her to do rhino-y things, she doesn't want to charge or snort -- she's a gardener! She is not what the society expected, but can they learn to appreciate her for who she is? This funny, character-driven story explores themes of friendship, expectations, and prejudice. --Publisher
Book Babies
Written by Amber Hendricks
Illustrated by Gavin Scott
Mankato, MN: Amicus Ink, 2022. Board Book.
Follow the transformation of caterpillars from their first crunch of leaves to changing in a chrysalis and finally to beautiful butterflies soaring in the sky in this poetic celebration of nature for babies and toddlers. --Publisher
Monday Cuentos
By Vista Higher Learning
Boston, MA: Vista Higher Learning, Inc., 2023. Lector FƔcil.
Encuentra las figuras geomƩtricas. --Editor
Friday Cuentos
Written by M. N. Tahl
Illustrated by Mark Chambers
Zaragoza, Spain: Edelvives, 2022. Libro Illustrado.
¡La amenaza del volcĆ”n! El crimen aumenta en RatonĆ³polis. Muchos peligros acechan en cada esquina. ¡Y ahora el Monte Queso Fundido estĆ” a punto de explotar! ¿PodrĆ” SuperratĆ³n salvar la ciudad? ¿O es un reto insuperable para un solo ratĆ³n? ¡SuperratĆ³n necesita ayuda! Pero ¿de quiĆ©n? ¡En las pĆ”ginas de esta aventura encontrarĆ”s formidables solapas, fantĆ”sticos troqueles y una masa informe de queso fundido! ¡Te quedarĆ”s fascinado! --Publisher
Written by Elizabeth Verdick
Illustrated by Marieka Heinlen
Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing, 2024. Libro de CartĆ³n.
¡Es hora de llenar la pancita de cosas ricas! Es una comida sana y divertida. ¡Puedes empezar! Come frutas y verduras, prueba algo nuevo y trata de quedarse sentado hasta que hayas ... ¡TERMINADO! --Publisher
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