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Five Faves: Picture Books of 2023 for Grown-Ups

We hate to say it, but it is the end of the year. In the book world, that means two things. First, everyone is frantically trying to finish their annual reading goals. Second, you are probably inundated with best of the year lists. This list is a little bit of both. The books on this list are some of the very best picture books of 2023 that will especially appeal to adult readers. These books are remarkable in both illustration and text and have elements that will resonate with adults for one reason or another. And, since they are pretty short in terms of page numbers, these are quick reads that will help you complete your reading goal. A win-win-win (because reading picture books is always a bonus win). These are our picks for best Picture Books of 2023 for Grown-Ups.

By Nikki Grimes
Illustrated by Jerry Pinkney & Brian Pinkney
New York: Holiday House, 2023. Picture Book.

After losing his father, a boy opens an envelope from his late father to find a treasure hunt through the woods they used to explore together. Though disappointed that his father didn't leave him a letter, he instead finds a greater prize. The real-life back story of this picture book adds an important layer of understanding. Nikki Grimes and Jerry Pinkney had started writing this book before Jerry passed away, and he had finished rough sketches of the illustrations. Jerry's son Brian stepped in to complete the picture book by adding his own ethereal watercolors. The resulting collaboration is both unfinished and eternal. A remarkably prescient picture book that will break your heart a little and help you process grief at the same time. 

By Sydney Smith
New York: Holiday House, 2023. Picture Book.

Laying in the dark and tucked into bed, a mother and son share favorite memories --poignant and tender vignettes filled with light. Some are happy, like a picnic with dad, some are tougher, like leaving a home they both clearly loved. Now, in their new apartment, things are clearly different but they decide to start by making a memory together of their first day in a new home. This story is enigmatic in the best way, in a way that prompts readers to think back to their own memories and start to make more. The illustrations are gorgeous and use light and dark to convey past and present really effectively. This book relies on lots of inference to navigate the hushed and quiet details, but it is also deeply moving and very effective.

By Aaron Becker
Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2023. Picture Book.

In this wordless picture book, a tree stands alone on the banks of a river and watches as a civilization grows around it. A family comes, then a village, then a town, then a city. A castle is built and destroyed. Technology comes and challenges the landscape, leaving the tree languishing --but still there. With an expansive view of humanity and our role as environmental stewards, Becker has created a spectacular picture book that will prompt readers to ruminate on humanity. Both bittersweet and hopeful, this is the kind of book that few authors could pull off but Becker takes it in stride with dramatic and often cinematic illustrations. Truly some of Becker's very best work.

By Andy J. Miller & Sophie Miller
San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 2023. Informational.

Though adults often like quiet picture books, there is no rule that picture books for adults can only be quiet books -- this playful, interactive book is evidence of that. This "creatively wacky" picture book explores the invisible parts of being human. Things like feelings, vibes, emotions, and fears. The parts of life that are hardest to categorize and yet often have the greatest impact on our lives. The illustrations in this book are delightfully chaotic --filled with vibrant color and whimsical details. The result is a book that is incredibly unique, wonderfully interactive, and visually appealing. 

By Joy Harjo
Illustrated by Michaela Goade
New York: Random House Studio, 2023. Picture Book.

A picture book adaptation of a famous poem written by former U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo, a member of the Mvskoke Nation, is brought to life 40 years after its first publication thanks to evocative illustrations from Caldecott winner Michaela Goade. Goade, who is a member of the Tlingit Nation, imbues her images with a rich and ethereal quality that captures audiences time and time again. The illustrations in this book are rich and lush and filled with color and emotion. A musing on ancestry and interconnectedness that feels rightfully nostalgic and completely original. The result is a visually stunning interpretation of a text that grows richer with each read.


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