Toddler Time
Written by Daniel Fehr
Illustrated by Jorge Martin
Madrid: NubeOcho, 2023. Picture Book.
When a little girl goes to bed, she finds a rather big problem -- there's a cow in her bed! When her father goes to her room, the cow has gone and her father tells her to go to sleep. Later on that night, the cow comes back, together with a card-playing duck and a counting elephant! Is the little girl just stalling? Either way, it looks like no one is getting much sleep tonight! --Publisher
Preschool Time
By Victoria Cossack
Salem, MA: Page Street Kids, an imprint of Page Street Publishing Co., 2019. Picture Book.
Gus, the best fisherman in town, calls the press and tries to break his record but, instead, discovers that having friends is more fulfilling than fame. --Editor
Preschool Time
By Elise Parsley
New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2021. Picture Book.
When a wild boar with a passion for clover discovers a rare patch in the woods, he is determined to patiently stand guard until it blooms-but he is not the only clover enthusiast in the forest, and it takes reading a good book for him to figure out the mystery. --Publisher
Book Babies
By Natalie Nelson
Philadelphia, PA: Quirk Books, 2021. Board Book.
Investigating the arrival of a new member of the family, Dog is determined to dig up some clues to discover the identity of this loud, silly creature. --Editor
Monday Cuentos
By Emily Gravett
Barcelona: Picarona, 2017. Libro Illustrado.
Puede convertirse en cualquier cosa y parece encajar en cualquier lugar, pero sucede que ni el caracol enroscado, ni el saltamontes verde, ni el calcetin rayado quieren ser sus amigos. ¿Encontrará alguna vez alguien con quién hablar? ¿Alguien cómo él? Una introducción a los colores y las formas que seguramente deleitará a todos, desde los más pequeños hasta los más grandes. --Editor
Friday Cuentos
By Chris Haughton
Madrid: NubeOcho, 2022. Libro Illustrado.
Está anocheciendo y los animales del bosque tienen mucho sueño. No dejan de bostezar: Ouu ... aaah. Los ratones, los conejos, Mamá Cierva, Cervatilla ... Todos los animales están agotados menos Osita, que no está cansada y ¡no quiere irse a dormir! --Editor
By Astacio Álvarez
Guaynabo, PR : Editorial Destellos, 2021. Libro de Cartón.
Un libro hermoso e interactivo para bebé y lector, por la ilustradora puertorriqueña Mrinali Álvarez Astacio. --Editor
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