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From Story Time: The Letter "W"

Toddler Time
By Jon Agee
New York, NY : Dial Books for Young Readers, 2018. Picture Book.

A knight who feels secure on his side of the wall that divides his book discovers that his side is not as safe as he thought, and the other side is not as threatening.--Publisher

Preschool Time
By Stephen Savage
New York : Scholastic Press, 2015. Picture Book.

Walrus and Penguin have escaped from the zoo! Will the zookeeper find them? Or will these clever runaways stay one step ahead disguised as subway riders, baseball players, and even grand opera preformers? In this mischievous, wordless picture book, join Walrus and Penguin on their breezy escapade in the big city as they find fun whereever they go.--Publisher

Preschool Time
Written by Lu Fraser
Illustrated by Sarah Massini
New York : Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2022. Picture Book.

Little Witchling lives alone on her mountain top, and more than anything else, she wishes for a friend. When her spell book tells her that the secret ingredient to conjuring a friend is the fur from a little girl's favorite teddy bear, she knows what she must do.

But the bear belongs to Lily, who can't bear to part with him. Will the Little Witchling give up her dream of a real friend? Or maybe there's a way for her and Lily to make the wish come true together.--Publisher

Book Babies
By Emma Garcia
London: Boxer Books Limited, 2022. Board Book.

Looks at a variety of musical instruments and their distinctive sounds, from the bongos that go "pata, pata" and kazoos that go "wha, woo" to the ukulele that goes "plinka, plinka" and the castanets that go "click, clack.--Publisher

Monday Cuentos
Written by Roberto Aliaga 
Illustrated by  Miguel Ɓngel DĆ­ez
Madrid, Spain : Cuento de Luz, 2019. Libro ilustrado espaƱol.

De la maƱana a la noche, las luciĆ©rnagas se ven obligadas a huir en busca de un lugar seguro en el que formar su nuevo hogar: una luz al final del camino. Pero el viaje no es fĆ”cil, y pronto comenzarĆ”n a surgir obstĆ”culos, aparentemente insalvables, que solo el amor de la familia es capaz de resolver. Una emotiva historia sobre identidad y sentimientos que nos conduce a travĆ©s de la oscuridad hacia esa bĆŗsqueda de luz de un futuro mejor.--Publisher

Friday Cuentos
By Jenny Lacika 
Watertown, MA : Charlesbridge Publishing, 2022. Libro ilustrado espaƱol.

Rafael quiere proteger sus juguetes de Essie, su hermanita. Para eso busca materiales en su casa para construir un muro que sea lo suficientemente alto y ancho como para que Essie no pase. ¿Pero ese muro ser̀ lo suficientemente fuerte? ¿Y qĒ” quiere Essie realmente? Esta es una exploraci̤n divertida del espacio f̕sico y de la geometr̕a, la cual presenta personajes chicanos (mexicoamericanos) e incluye un glosario de palabras en espąol.--Publisher

Written by Cally Stronk
Illustrated by Constanze V. Kitzing
Barcelona : Kalandraka Editora, 2017. Libro de cartĆ³n.

"NunĆŗ juega" es uno de los tĆ­tulos de una serie de libros de cartĆ³n con esquinas romas para pre-lectores y primeros lectores protagonizada por un pequeƱo elefante. La importancia del juego individual y colectivo para el desarrollo de habilidades motrices, el conocimiento del espacio y la socializaciĆ³n, centran este volumen: la utilizaciĆ³n de piezas para construir figuras, la destreza con la pelota, la lectura y su valor en el desarrollo de la imaginaciĆ³n y, sobre todo, compartir ese tiempo de diversiĆ³n con otras amigas y amigos.--Publisher

Other Letter W Books


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