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Showing posts from March, 2023

Review: Bea Wolf

Bea Wolf By Zach Weinersmith Illustrated by Boulet New York: First Second, 2023. Graphic novel. 181 pgs. In this dramatic retelling of the ancient poem Beowulf, the children of the neighborhood party as long and as hard as they can. In their treehouse kingdom they eat candy and junk food, play with toys, and run wild. The freedom of Treeheart attracts the ire of one joyless Mr. Grindle -- a middle aged man who hates children and fun. One night, Grindle strikes against Treeheart and transforms its inhabitants into adults. Salvation comes in the form of a mighty five-year-old -- Bea Wolf -- who is determined to restore childhood fun to Treeheart. This is a wonderful, weird, and very fun book. It's easy to forget how carefree and wild childhood can be, but this book captures that particular sense of adventure perfectly. Does Beowulf feel like an obvious story to adapt into a children's graphic novel? No. But that's part of what makes this story work so well -- it is completely...

If You Like...Animal Picture Books with Surprise Endings

 Here is the thing, I am a sucker for a good picture book. And if that picture book has a clever ending, then I love it even more! I am listing a few of my favorite picture books with fun animals that have a clever ending that totally surprised me the first time I read them. I hope you enjoy these books as much as I do!  Evergreen  By Matthew Cordell  Feiwel and Friends, 2023. Picture Book. Evergreen is a squirrel who is a bit afraid ofā€¦wellā€¦everything. But one day her mom sends her out to go through the forest to deliver some soup to her granny. There is adventure, there is bravery, and there is a fun surprise once Evergreen reaches Granny Oak. It is clever and I may have guffawed out loud when I first read this one!  Mister Kitty is Lost!   By Greg Pizzoli  Little, Brown and Company, 2023. Picture Book. In this fun picture book, a little girl is looking for Mister Kitty. (Her dog on the other hand may not be so interested in finding the lost pet.) Wi...

Review: The Lost Year

  The Lost Year: A Survival Story of the Ukrainian Famine  By Katherine Marsh  Roaring Brook Press, 2023. 354 p.  Matthew is bored. It is the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic and he is stuck at home. And unlike most of his friends, he canā€™t even go hang out in backyards due to the frail health of his Great-Grandmother (aka GG) who lives with him. Matthewā€™s mom tells him to go outside when she thinks he has played too much Zelda on his switch, then regrets it when Matthew nearly causes an accident with a bow and arrow. Now Matthew canā€™t get his switch back until he helps GG go through some boxes that GG doesnā€™t want to touch and Matthewā€™s mom doesnā€™t have time for. The boxes end up telling a story that GG isnā€™t sure she wants to remember. A story about her growing up during the Ukrainian Famine.  The book is told in three perspectives: Matthew, Mila (a spoiled Soviet communist living in Kyiv), and Helen (GGā€™s cousin in America that wants to help her family in ...

Five Faves: Going Green

This years 2023 earth day theme encourages us to come together and invest in the earth by moving towards a green future. What better way to celebrate earth day than by reading a book about taking care of the earth.  Can I Recycle This? A Kids Guide to Better Recycling and How to Reduce Single-Use Plastics Written by Jennie Romer Illustrated by Christie Young Viking, 2023. Informational. If you have ever wondered what happens to the plastic we recycle you will want to read this book. It will walk you step by step through the recycling journey of a simple plastic bottle. A great book to read about making smarter choices about what you consume and throw away. Great examples that kids can understand about the power of recycling and why we should recycle to protect the environment.  The Day The River Caught Fire Written by Barry Wittenstein Illustrated by Jessie Hartland Simon & Schuster, 2023. Informational. In 1969 a fire started as a train drove across a bridge and sparks fe...

Review: My Aunt is a Monster

My Aunt is a Monster By Reimena Yee New York : RH Graphic, 2022. Graphic Novel. 336 pgs. Safia is a young, blind girl who moves in with her mysterious aunt after her parents pass away. When her aunt, Lady Whimsy, decides to venture out into the world in order to save her rival, Lady Whimsy and Safia embark on the adventure of a lifetime. But Safia's aunt is a monster, so how will she blend in? And how did she become a monster in the first place? Along their journey, they will encounter new friends, old foes, and a chaotic secret society.  This comic is perfect for middle school aged children as well as young adults and adults! It has mystery, intrigue, and leaves you will questions that hopefully the sequel will answer. Safia is strong, determined, and her blindness is represented in an honest and respectful manner. The illustrations are bright, quirky, and are an amazing addition to the text. I was hooked from the beginning, and any avid graphic novel reader is sure to love this o...

Display: Fracture Fairy Tales

  The Princess and the Pit Stop Written by Tom Angleberger Illustrated by Dan Santat Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2018. Picture Book. When a Princess learns from her Fairy Godmother that she is in last place in a car race against such fairy tale notables as Humpty Dumpty, the Three Bears, and Rumpelstiltskin, she boldly rebuffs defeat and steps on the gas. Jack: The True Story of Jack and the Beanstalk By Liesel Shurtliff Alfred A. Knopf, 2015. Fiction. 296 pages. Relates the tale of Jack who, after trading his mother's milk cow for magic beans, climbs a beanstalk to seek his missing father in the land of giants. Ogre Enchanted By Gail Carson Levine Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2018. Fiction. 340 pages. Healer Evora is turned into a hideous ogre by the fairy Lucinda after rejecting a proposal, and has only a few months to find a love to reverse the curse. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs By Jon Scieszka Viking Kestrel, 1989. Picture Book.  The wolf ...

From Story Time: The Letter "X"

Toddler Time Not a Box  By Antoinette Portis New York, NY : HarperCollins, 2006. Picture Book. A box is just a box...unless it's not a box. From mountain to rocket ship, a small rabbit shows that a box will go as far as the imagination allows. Inspired by a memory of sitting in a box on her driveway with her sister, Antoinette Portis captures the thrill when pretend feels so real that it actually becomes real--when the imagination takes over inside a cardboard box, and through play, a child is transported to a world where anything is possible.--Publisher Preschool Time Big Box Little Box Written by Caryl Hart Illustrated by Edward Underwood New York : Bloomsbury, 2018. Picture Book. A curious cat investigates every box it can find--and makes a mouse friend along the way.--Publisher Preschool Time Grace and Box By Kim Howard Illustrated by Megan Lƶtter New York : Feiwel and Friends, 2021. Picture Book. After Box delivers a refrigerator, Grace and Box become friends, camping together...

Five Faves: Historical Fiction Picture Books

If you have littles participating in the library's Great Genre Challenge for Kids, you might be surprised to find that historical fiction isn't just for middle grade chapter books. There are so many fun, and moving historical fiction picture books to read. Here are five of my favorites:   The World Belonged to Us Written by Jacqueline Woodson Illustrated by Leo Espinosa Nancy Paulsen Books, 2022. Picture Book. This book is reminiscent of what summer time was like during the author's childhood in the 70s. It gives you a glimpse of how children in Brooklyn would spend their summer days.  Love in the Library Written by Mggie Tokuda-Hall Illustrated by Yas Imamura Candlewick Press, 2022. Picture Book. Tama is the librarian at the Minidoka, a Japanese incarceration camp in the 1940s. George is also a prisoner there, and he takes time to visit the library every day. This story is about how these two found love and hope despite the cruelty and injustice of their circumstances. The...

Review: The Superteacher Project

  The Superteacher Project By Gordon Korman Balzer + Bray, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2023. Fiction. 297 pages. Oliver is starting his new school year at Brightling Middle School in much the same way he ended his last year; as a trouble-maker... or at least he's trying to. There's one big difference this year though, his new teacher Mr. Aidact somehow knows he's going to be hit by a spitball seemingly as soon as it leaves Oliver's straw and turns around to catch it mid-air. That's when Oliver starts to notice more differences between Mr. Aidact and the other teachers. Mr. Aidact never seems to eat or drink, knows every lyric to every song ever written, and has a student teacher who's way older than him who never teaches anything. The students soon discover that their teacher isn't human, but an AI robot sent from a super secret government program. If you enjoy science fiction this is a great choice, but even if you don't, this works well as a...

Five Faves: Books by Author-Illustrators

There is something special about the seamlessness achieved when an author is able to completely realize their vision through not only words, but illustration as well. Here are five of my recent favorites that combined the two in a truly remarkable way:   Hot Dog By Doug Salati New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2022. Picture Book. This year's Caldecott winner, Hot Dog , is an emotive triumph. Told through the journey of an overwhelmed dachshund, we learn the importance of taking and enjoying a breath of fresh air both literally, in the summer heat, and figuratively, through life's stressors.  Bright Star By Yuyi Morales New York: Holiday House, 2021. Picture Book.  Shown primarily through the character of a young fawn, which is then later revealed to have been a metaphor for a young girl, Bright Star ,  provides a reassuring voice that you are loved even in dark or difficult times. Greatness is achieved through the story's mix of softly detailed illustrations, intermitt...

Review: Alexander von Humboldt

Alexander von Humboldt: Explorer, Naturalist, and Environmental Pioneer By Danica Novgorodoff Crown Books for Young Reader, 2022. Biography. 39 pgs. Alexander von Humboldt was an ecological and geological pioneer and one of the most famous scientists of his day.  His curiosity and ability to see connections throughout the natural world led to discoveries that helped shape the field of modern biogeography, ecology, and geology.  Where others saw differences, Alexander saw interconnectedness.  His passion and curiosity continue to inspire people today. I knew little to nothing about Alexander von Humboldt prior to reading this quick biography, but I found him to be fascinating.  As someone who has been searching for what I'm passionate about for years, I'm very in awe of people who find and follow their passion as confidently as Alexander did.  Alexander von Humboldt's story made me want to pursue learning and a deeper observation of the world around me and maybe ...

Five Faves: Adoption Picture Books

Children become a part of families in different ways. Some children are born into a family and others are adopted into a family. Every situation is special and unique. When children become a part of a family through adoption, there are all kinds of emotions and experiences that both the child and the family experience. Here are some picture books that talk about some different adoption stories. When You Joined Our Family Written by Harriet Evans Illustrated by Nia Tudor Tulsa, OK : Kane Miller, a division of EDC Publishing, 2022. Picture Book. This sweet picture book shows all kinds of different adoption situations and the families that the children go to. Some of the children are adopted when they are older, from far away, and some are adopted right after they are born. This illustrates the experiences of the children coming to their new homes for the first time and slowly integrating into their new families. Love Rules Written by Andrea Melvin, Dave Eaton, and Michael Clark Jr. Illus...

Display: Go Fish!

Go Fish! Written by Tammi Sauer Illustrated by Zoe Waring New York, NY : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2018. Picture Book. A group of friends become less enthusiastic about their fishing trip the longer they go without catching a fish--and when they finally hook a fish it is too big and scary! Go Fishing! By Meghan Gottschall  Minneapolis, Minnesota : Bearport Publishing, 2022. Informational. 24 pgs. Welcome to the pond! Bait your hook, cast it into the water, and get ready to reel in the big catch. Follow along with Rory Racoon as you go on a fishing adventure in the great outdoors. Sunrise Summer Written by Matthew Swanson Illustrated by Robbi Behr New York : Imprint, 2020. Picture Book. Each summer, a young girl and her family travel to remote Egegik, Alaska, where they join a salmon fishing crew. Elsie Written by Nadine Robert Illustrated by Maja Kastelic New York : Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2020. Picture Book. Elsie's six older siblings overrule her idea...

From Story Time: The Letter "W"

Toddler Time The Wall in the Middle of the Book By Jon Agee New York, NY : Dial Books for Young Readers, 2018. Picture Book. A knight who feels secure on his side of the wall that divides his book discovers that his side is not as safe as he thought, and the other side is not as threatening.--Publisher Preschool Time Where's Walrus? And Penguin?  By Stephen Savage New York : Scholastic Press, 2015. Picture Book. Walrus and Penguin have escaped from the zoo! Will the zookeeper find them? Or will these clever runaways stay one step ahead disguised as subway riders, baseball players, and even grand opera preformers? In this mischievous, wordless picture book, join Walrus and Penguin on their breezy escapade in the big city as they find fun whereever they go.--Publisher Preschool Time The Witchling's Wish Written by Lu Fraser Illustrated by Sarah Massini New York : Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2022. Picture Book. Little Witchling lives alone on her mountain top, and more than a...