The summer heat makes me want to move as slow as a sloth. Here are five of my favorite sloth picture books to remind us to slow down and enjoy the summer while it lasts.
Written by Leslie Kimmelman
Illustrated by Sebastien Braun
Albert Whitman & Company, 2020. Easy Reader.
When Bat and Sloth start living on the same branch, Bat worries they won’t get along. They soon discover that they might have more in common than they thought.
By Bethany Christou
Templar Books, 2020. Picture Book.
Samson is always willing to lend a helping hand to friends in need, but this means he often misses activities with his friends because he moves so slowly. Can his friends find a way to make sure Samson feels appreciated and included?
Written by Chiara Carminati
Illustrated by Roberta Angaramo
Holiday House, 2020. Picture Book.
Slumby loves school, but sometimes has a hard time keeping up with all of his classmates. When trouble comes to recess though, Slumby is the only one who can save the day!
By Blythe Russo
Viking, 2022. Picture Book.
When Sloth is invited to her first sleepover she is very excited because she loves to sleep! But when she realizes sleeping is the last thing planned, she has to try her hardest to stay awake with her friend.
Written by Kate Messner
Illustrated b Valentina Toro
Sounds True, 2020. Picture Book.