Written by Deborah Rovin Murphy
Illustrated by Jen Bricking
Sleeping Bear Press, 2022. Biography.
This is an inspiring story of how First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy went about organizing the first public showing in America of the famous painting, the Mona Lisa. Mrs. Kennedy loved art and during her time as First Lady, she worked hard to restore the White House and fill it with historical artifacts. Her plan was to have the White house be a venue for art shows, concerts, dance recitals, and more.
This is the story of how she arranged to bring a 450-year-old art piece, the Mona Lisa, to America. After a lot of negotiations with the French government she was able to arrange for the Mona Lisa to travel by Boat from France to America to be displayed in two American museums. When the French public found out that their beloved painting was traveling so far they were very worried but the American people couldn't wait for the chance to see the beloved French masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci.
This story that has almost been forgotten, inspired me to want to read and learn more about First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. A perfect story for any art lovers or lovers of history.