Read in Toddler Time & Preschool Time
Written by Tammi Sauer
Illustrated by Troy Cummings
New York : Abrams Appleseed, 2021. Picture Book.
In this hilarious barnyard picture book, Rooster is trying to count sheep but keeps getting interrupted by all of the animals on the farm. They're ruffling his feathers-and they don't look the slightest bit sheepish! Featuring bright, commercial illustrations and text perfect for read-alouds, One Sheep, Two Sheep is sure to make young readers giggle as they help Rooster count up to ten.--Publisher
Read in Preschool Time
By Ellie Sandall
New York, NY : Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2018. Picture Book.
Bunnies play hide-and-seek and count together in this bright, colorful picture book that explores the natural world and celebrates friendship and one of the most beloved early childhood games. But that's not all. There's a special surprise awaiting the bunnies when they take a peek inside fox's den!--Publisher
Read in Book Babies
Written by Brooke Jorden
Illustrated by Alex Zhdanov
Sanger, California : Familius LLC, 2020. Board Book.
A flamenco-dancing flamingo struts and swaggers, certain that he is the best dancer in the animal kingdom. From hip hopping hippos to tap dancing tigers, each animal finds their own jungle boogie, and Flamingo soon discovers that no two dancers are the same--and that's okay!--Publisher
Read in Monday Cuentos
By Laura Ellen Anderson
Barcelona : Picarona, 2020. Libro ilustrado espaƱol.
A la pequeƱa protagonista de este Ć”lbum le encanta hacer toda clase de ruidos: desde gritar hasta masticar las cosas mĆ”s crujientes, disfruta tanto tocando la baterĆa como zapateando por las escaleras. Pero hay lugares en los que la gente se empeƱa en que guarde silencio. En la biblioteca, en la escuela, e incluso en casa, cuando su hermanito duermeā¦ Aunque al principio le parece una lata, al final aprenderĆ” que, si no estĆ” todo el tiempo armando jaleo, puede escuchar cosas maravillosas. Laura Ellen Anderson, autora del Ć©xito de ventas Ā”No quiero el cabello rizado!, nos presenta una divertida historia sobre la necesidad del silencio y de escuchar en estos tiempos de ruido y de prisa.--Publisher
Read in Friday Cuentos
By Eric Carle
New York : Philomel Books, 2002. Libro ilustrado espaƱol.
Follows the progress of a hungry little caterpillar as he eats his way through a varied and very large quantity of food until, full at last, he forms a cocoon around himself, goes to sleep, and awakens as a beautiful, colorful butterfly.--Publisher