Written and illustrated by Rebecca Gugger and Simon Rothlisberger
NorthShore Books Inc., 2021. Picture Book.
One thing that can be hard for children is to try an understand a person's different perspective. That's hard for adults too. This book is all about looking at a view from another person's eyes, without jumping to conclusions. We can each probably look at a time when we thought we were right, and learned that the answer was something completely different.
Each animal has their own opinion of what the mountain is like. The bear says it's very green and full of trees. The octopus says it's wet and full of fish. The ant says it's earthy with lots of tunnels. All the animals argue about it until the bird has had enough. He asks who actually has been to the mountain. None of the animals have, so they each plot to make their way up the mountain and prove the others wrong. But when they get there, the see that it's simpler than they imagined.
This book not only demonstrates a beautiful message about being open-minded, but it's covered in beautiful artwork. I loved the sketch-like drawings. Each landscape beautifully embodies what the animal thinks of their habitat.