By Steve Webb
Illustrated by Fred Blunt
Andersen Press USA, 2021. Picture Book.
This book made me laugh out loud! And then I ran around and read it to all the library storytellers since I needed them to know about the gem of a book! There is a farm that is run by Farmer George. As readers go around the farm they learn the various sounds that different animals or things make (i.e. “pigs go oink!” or “the tractor goes vroom!”). However, those silly cows are always missing—or are they since observant young readers can spot a clue as to where the cows are hiding—and the cows don’t say what they are supposed to. Seriously, this is hysterical. And if there is a young reader who likes the idea of being scared around Halloween…but doesn’t actually want a scary book, then this is the perfect read for them!