Written and Illustrated by: Tina Kugler
Acorn/Scholastic Inc., 2020. Easy Reader.
Brother and sister Fritz and Frannie have some bedtime adventures in this humorous book about getting ready for bed. As bedtime approaches a battle begins between the siblings, as they try to convince each other which bed is the best, the top or the bottom bunk. Their wild adventures include imagining the top bunk as a castle on a hill while the bottom bunk becomes a cave and a submarine moving through the ocean. If you have ever had a bunk bed you will be able to relate to the argument of which is better, the top or the bottom bunk.
I love this new series that is part of Scholastics beginning reader line. It is written for children who are beginning to read with simple text, short story format, humor, and full-color artwork. This playful story is delightful and has a surprise ending that you won't expect. Check out one of our Acorn books and help new readers gain the confidence to read on their own as they learn to enjoy the reading process.