By Ben Lerwill
Illustrated by Alette Straathof
Mission Viejo, CA: The Quarto Group, 2020. Informational.
Beginning with the cover, this informational picture book is vibrant and full of life. This world that we all share has more similarities than you might think. Although we all have different traditions, backgrounds and beliefs, there is one thing that ties us all together: our colors. The yellow of New York City taxicabs is the same yellow as the sunflower fields of Spain. There is so much beauty to see in every corner of the earth.
This poetic look at the world is inspiring. It reminds us that we are all connected--all the people, animals, and nature surrounding us. When reading this book aloud, the words flow together nicely, making the book sound like one beautiful free verse poem. The pictures tie right in with the feel of the writing. Listening or reading this book will teach your children about different beauties of the world and encourage them to think about the life around them.