Some Dinosaurs are Small
By Charlotte Voake
Candlewick Press, 2020. Picture Book.
In this charming story there is a very small dinosaur that spends time looking for fruit and leaves to munch. However, there are also three other big dinosaurs who have “huge pointy teeth and sharp claws.” These dinosaurs don’t want to spend time finding their own food—they want to take the food from the small dinosaur.
Voake has created a dinosaur picture book that explores the classic theme about big kid vs little kid. (And of course the small kids will be pleased that things turn out better for the underdog!) There is a small amount of text on each page and large, colorful illustrations that will not only play to the attention spans of toddlers at a story time but also to those young beginning readers who might want to read one clever story with a few bigger words in a picture book. Also, the humor of the ending (and who saves the little dino) will also get a few chuckles when lap reading with a favorite grownup. Well done.