Written by: Rita Lorraine Hubbard
Illustrated by: Oge Mora
Schwartz & Wade Books, 2020. Biography.
This is the story of Mary Walker and how she learned to read at the age of 116. Mary was born into slavery in 1848 and was fifteen when she was freed by the emancipation. Even though she was free she still had to work hard almost her whole life for very little money just to survive. She married had children and worked and worked and she never had the time or the opportunity to learn to read or write. It was a dream of hers that just had to wait. When she was 116 she felt like she had waited long enough and she enrolled in CALM, the Chattanooga Area Literacy Movement and through hard work she learned how to read. She became known as the as the nation's oldest student after she completed the course. She received many awards in her life but the most meaningful thing for her was her ability to read. She said "You're never to old to learn."
It's always inspiring to me to read stories of people who achieve their lifelong dream. The text and illustrations will engage, educated and entertain almost any reader as they learn about this remarkable woman. The message of this book, nobody is to old to learn, is a heartening to all. Reading is not only a useful skill but it can literally make all the difference in the world.