Willow Moss & the Lost Day
By Dominique Valente
Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins, 2020. Starfell book #1. 215 p.
Willow Moss comes from a magic family—only her magic isn’t as strong or important as her granny’s, her mother’s, or her sister’s magic. One day when Moreg Vaine—the most powerful and feared witch in all of Starfell—comes seeking help to find a missing day, she asks for Willow. This is a story of love, believing in yourself, making friends, doing the right thing, and magic all rolled into one. Readers will enjoy journeying with Willow as she tries to piece together what happened and what she can do about it as she realizes that she and her magic are enough to help save the day. This book is a great beginning to what hopefully will be many more adventures in the Starfell world and Willow Moss!