Read in Monday Book Babies
Written by Kathryn O. Galbraith
Illustrated by Adela Pons
Peachtree Petite, 2018. Small Picture Book.
Read in Monday Cuentos
Valentina y la dragona
Por Lucia Serrano
Picarona, 2019. Spanish Picture Book.
¡Una nueva versión de la leyenda de Sant Jordi! Tenéis en vuestras manos una leyenda que ha permanecido en el olvido a lo largo de los tiempos: La verdadera historia de Valentina y la Dragona. Abrid bien vuestros ojos y oídos. Cerrad la boca, que no entren moscas. Y preparaos para conocer los detalles de cómo la terrible Dragona aterrorizó a un pueblo entero. Cómo estuvo a punto de merendarse al delicado y bello príncipe para saciar su hambre voraz. Y cómo Valentina, la más valiente entre las valientes, solucionó todo este desaguisado con arrojo, fiereza, y humor. Mucho humor. Porque tal vez las cosas no son como nos las habían contado. Y tal vez las rosas fueron blancas. O amarillas. --Publisher
Por Lucia Serrano
Picarona, 2019. Spanish Picture Book.
¡Una nueva versión de la leyenda de Sant Jordi! Tenéis en vuestras manos una leyenda que ha permanecido en el olvido a lo largo de los tiempos: La verdadera historia de Valentina y la Dragona. Abrid bien vuestros ojos y oídos. Cerrad la boca, que no entren moscas. Y preparaos para conocer los detalles de cómo la terrible Dragona aterrorizó a un pueblo entero. Cómo estuvo a punto de merendarse al delicado y bello príncipe para saciar su hambre voraz. Y cómo Valentina, la más valiente entre las valientes, solucionó todo este desaguisado con arrojo, fiereza, y humor. Mucho humor. Porque tal vez las cosas no son como nos las habían contado. Y tal vez las rosas fueron blancas. O amarillas. --Publisher
The Big Umbrella
Written by Amy June Bates and Juniper Bates
Illustrated by Amy June Bates
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2018. Picture Book.
Written by Amy June Bates and Juniper Bates
Illustrated by Amy June Bates
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2018. Picture Book.
By the door there is an umbrella. It is big. It is so big that when it starts to rain there is room for everyone underneath. It doesn’t matter if you are tall. Or plaid. Or hairy. It doesn’t matter how many legs you have. Don’t worry that there won’t be enough room under the umbrella. Because there will always be room.
Lush illustrations and simple, lyrical text subtly address themes of inclusion and tolerance in this sweet story that accomplished illustrator Amy June Bates cowrote with her daughter, Juniper, while walking to school together in the rain. --Publisher
Lush illustrations and simple, lyrical text subtly address themes of inclusion and tolerance in this sweet story that accomplished illustrator Amy June Bates cowrote with her daughter, Juniper, while walking to school together in the rain. --Publisher
Unicorn Day
Written by Diana Murray
Illutsrated by Luke Flowers
Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2019. Picture Book.
The most important rule of Unicorn Day is to have fun, fun, fun! The unicorns are celebrating their favorite day of the year, complete with rainbows, cupcakes, butterflies, and all sorts of joyful things. But when it's revealed there's an impostor in their midst, the party comes to a screeching halt... Will the unicorns welcome all and continue their fun in all its glittery glory?
A clever, colorful, and over-the-top picture book about unicorns, celebrations, and most importantly, friendship. --Publisher
Written by Diana Murray
Illutsrated by Luke Flowers
Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2019. Picture Book.
The most important rule of Unicorn Day is to have fun, fun, fun! The unicorns are celebrating their favorite day of the year, complete with rainbows, cupcakes, butterflies, and all sorts of joyful things. But when it's revealed there's an impostor in their midst, the party comes to a screeching halt... Will the unicorns welcome all and continue their fun in all its glittery glory?
A clever, colorful, and over-the-top picture book about unicorns, celebrations, and most importantly, friendship. --Publisher
By Jenn Harney
Disney Hyperion, 2019. Picture Book.
Bare bear! Stop right there! Underwear! Under where?
So begins the dialogue between a tired bear dad and a rambunctious bear cub who would rather play with his tighty whities than get into bed. Underwear makes great hair. It can even turn one into a superber, or a goggle-wearing swimming bear. But beware of a big scare! Rhymes, homonyms, and conjunctions abound in this book that could be used to teach reading, but its primary purpose is to make bedtime fun. --Publisher
Up Up Up Down
By Kimberly Gee
G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2019. Picture Book.
Follow an energetic toddler's day with Dad that's full of opposites - up and down, make and break, yum and yuck, and more. From his first demand to be picked up and then immediately put down, opposites pop up all day long for this energetic boy. Breakfast is no, no, no, yes! At the sandbox, it's make, make, make, break! And jumping into the pool goes from can't, can't, can't, to can!
Kimberly Gee's expressive illustrations emphasize the loving connection between a boy and his father in this clever concept book about everyday highs and lows that is sure to entertain little (and big!) members of the family. --Publisher
By Kimberly Gee
G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2019. Picture Book.
Follow an energetic toddler's day with Dad that's full of opposites - up and down, make and break, yum and yuck, and more. From his first demand to be picked up and then immediately put down, opposites pop up all day long for this energetic boy. Breakfast is no, no, no, yes! At the sandbox, it's make, make, make, break! And jumping into the pool goes from can't, can't, can't, to can!
Kimberly Gee's expressive illustrations emphasize the loving connection between a boy and his father in this clever concept book about everyday highs and lows that is sure to entertain little (and big!) members of the family. --Publisher
Read in Friday Cuentos
Escrito por Roberto Bravo de la Varga
Ilustrado por Lluís Farré
Combel, 2018. Spanish Picture Book.
Una colección de cuentos populares adaptados para primeros lectores con ilustraciones cautivadoras para que se inicien en la lectura mediante la historias y los personajes de los clásicos de siempre. --Publisher
Escrito por Roberto Bravo de la Varga
Ilustrado por Lluís Farré
Combel, 2018. Spanish Picture Book.
Una colección de cuentos populares adaptados para primeros lectores con ilustraciones cautivadoras para que se inicien en la lectura mediante la historias y los personajes de los clásicos de siempre. --Publisher