Written by : Jan Greenberg
Illustrated by: Hadley Hooper
New York: Holiday House, 2019. Informational.
This spectacular biography was written about two brothers Alberto and Diego Giacometti, both artists and sculptors who conveyed through art, the weariness of World War II. Through magnificent illustrations the story of these two brothers, their relationship and struggles as individuals and brothers is told in a beautiful visual presentation.
Only thirteen months apart these brothers were extremely close even though they appeared to have very little in common they were always there for each other helping and supporting the other through the difficult and prosperous times of their lives. One brothers accomplishments would not have happened if it hadn't been for the involvement of the other brothers skills and dedication. Their lives were intertwined like their stories in this book "Two Brothers, Four Hands: the artists Alberto and Diego Giacometti.
If you have never heard of artists Alberto and Diego Giacometti read this stunning biography and discover the world of modern art and surrealism.