The Merry Chase (1941)
Written and Illustrated by Clement Hurd
The Little House (1942)
Written and Illustrated by Virginia Lee Burton
A country house is unhappy when the city, with all its buildings and traffic, grows up around her.
Angus Lost (1932)
Written and Illustrated by Marjory Flack
A little Scottish terrier leaves his home to see what the outside world is like.
The Little Island (1946)
Written by Margaret Wise Brown
Illustrated by Leonard Weisgard
Depicts the changes that occur on a small island as the seasons come and go, as day changes to night, and as a storm approaches.
Petunia (1950)
Written and Illustrated by Roger Duvoisin
Petunia, the goose, learns that possessing knowledge involves more than just carrying a book around under her wing.
Katy and the Big Snow (1943)
Written and Illustrated by Virginia Lee Burton
Katy, the red crawler tractor, helps to clear the streets of snow after a big snow storm.
The Happy Hunter (1962)
Written and Illustrated by Roger Duvoisin
A man who lives at the edge of the forest buys himself all the proper hunting equipment, and is very happy walking through the forest and aiming his gun, but never shooting.
The Important Book (1949)
Written by Margaret Wise Brown
Illustrated by Leonard Weisgard
What is the most important thing about a spoon? The fact that you can eat with it? What about an apple? Or a shoe? This book helps curious preschoolers notice important details about their everyday surroundings, like daisies are white, rain is wet, and a spoon is used for eating.
Amos and the Moon (1948)
Written and Illustrated by Jan Balet
Amos goes around town asking the townspeople to help him capture the moon. Will he succeed?