The Unicorn in the Barn
By Jacqueline Ogburn
Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt Publishing, 2017. Fiction
Eric Harper's family has lived in Chinaberry for generations, so he knows that nothing unusual happens in the town. Until one night when he spies on his new neighbors, a bossy girl named Allegra Brancusi and her veterinarian mother. As he spies, he sees an injured unicorn walk right up to their house. Eric watches in awe as Dr. Brancusi leads the unicorn into the barn. Allegra and Eric are then tasked to work together to conceal and care for the unicorn they have named Moonpearl.
In this realistic fantasy novel, Eric faces hardships that are affecting his life at home. The magic that walks into his life with the unicorn in the barn seems to bring hope for a better, happier life. But will that be enough?