The Frog Book
Written and illustrated by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019. Informational, pp. 33
Come one, come all, come frogs big and small! This is a book all about frogs—all the different kinds, and all the details you might not always associate with frogs. Some frogs are tiny and look sweet, but have poisonous skin. Some frogs are enormous, but don’t make a lot of noise. There are even some frogs with spines in their mouths, and some frogs who can jump forward a full seven feet with one leap. Frogs are a lot more interesting than we might have assumed, and they’re all so different from each other.
What makes this book extra-special are the illustrations. All the frogs are depicted in beautiful, colorful detail, which shows off just how unique they each are. Some have such vivid colors that they seem to leap off the page!
“The Frog Book” shares the stellar stories of how even in one group of animals, there can be so much variation. Frogs of all different sorts share some common traits, but they live such distinctive lives, just like any other animal on our planet.
Written and illustrated by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019. Informational, pp. 33
Come one, come all, come frogs big and small! This is a book all about frogs—all the different kinds, and all the details you might not always associate with frogs. Some frogs are tiny and look sweet, but have poisonous skin. Some frogs are enormous, but don’t make a lot of noise. There are even some frogs with spines in their mouths, and some frogs who can jump forward a full seven feet with one leap. Frogs are a lot more interesting than we might have assumed, and they’re all so different from each other.
What makes this book extra-special are the illustrations. All the frogs are depicted in beautiful, colorful detail, which shows off just how unique they each are. Some have such vivid colors that they seem to leap off the page!
“The Frog Book” shares the stellar stories of how even in one group of animals, there can be so much variation. Frogs of all different sorts share some common traits, but they live such distinctive lives, just like any other animal on our planet.