Francisco X. Stork was born in Monterrey, Mexico to a single mother. When his mother eventually married, they moved to the United States. Stork's adoptive father supported his young desire to pursue writing, which eventually lead to him attending a private high school, and later a university, on scholarship. He then received a prestigious fellowship to study Latin American literature at Harvard. Before launching into his writing career, Stork studied at Columbia Law School and practiced law for twenty years. He has written seven novels, five of which are displayed below. Note that these are adult and young adult fiction novels, not children's novels.
By Francisco X. Stork
Four months ago Sara Zapata's best friend, Linda, disappeared from the streets of Juarez, and ever since Sara has been using her job as a reporter to draw attention to the girls who have been kidnapped by the criminals who control the city, but now she and her family are being threatened--meanwhile her younger brother, Emiliano, is being lured into the narcotics business by the promise of big money, and soon the only way for both of them to escape is to risk the dangerous trek across the desert to the United States border.
By Francisco X. Stork
Kate, eighteen, and Mary, sixteen, must make some adult decisions about the course their lives should take when their loving but old-fashioned father dies suddenly, leaving them with their mother, who has been in a persistent vegetative state since an accident four years earlier.
The Last Summer of the Death Warriors
By Francisco X. Stork
Seventeen-year-old Pancho is bent on avenging the senseless death of his sister, but after he meets D.Q, who is dying of cancer, and Marisol, one of D.Q.'s caregivers, both boys find their lives changed by their interactions.
Marcelo in the Real World
By Francisco X. Stork
Marcelo Sandoval, a seventeen-year-old boy on the high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum, faces new challenges, including romance and injustice, when he goes to work for his father in the mail room of a corporate law firm.
The Memory of Light
By Francisco X. Stork
When Victoria Cruz wakes up in the psychiatric ward of a Texas hospital after her failed suicide attempt, she still has no desire to live, but as the weeks pass, and she meets Dr. Desai and three of the other patients, she begins to reflect on the reasons why she feels like a loser compared with the rest of her family, and to see a path ahead where she can make a life of her own.