Alma and How she Got Her Name
By Juana Martinez-Neal
Candlewick Press, 2018. Picture book.
Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela has a really long name. Sometimes, it feels like too many names, especially for such a small person. And she’s not really sure why she’s been given so many names. Six is a lot, even for a much bigger person. When Alma asks her father about her cumbersome name, he tells her the story of her many names, and with each new name she learns about the person she got it from.
Alma has a rich background, full of relatives that have shaped her life and her names. Learning from her father about her history is a beautiful experience, both for her and the reader. Her names are not just names—they’re history-rich pieces of her ancestors, and each one is special and important. As her father explains how each person had some sort of impact, Alma learns that appreciating the past is important in helping us understand where we come from. It’s a lovely journey to experience with Alma, and just as it teaches Alma about the importance of respecting our history, readers can be inspired to explore their own histories.