Read in Toddler Time
Written by David LaRochelle
Illustrated by Jeremy Tankard
Chronicle Books, 2012. Picture Book.
Kids and parents alike will rejoice in this lively read-aloud picture book, as the main character runs into (and away from) a tiger over and over again as the plot gets sillier and sillier. Perfect for acting out while reading, It's a Tiger! offers just the right amount of excitement without being too scary, and a sweet ending with a bit of a twist. --Publisher
Read in Preschool Time
By Michael Slack
Henry Holt and Company, 2017. Picture Book.
Turtle Tug is on the lookout! This chugging, tugging turtle powers through gusty winds and treacherous tides, combing the seas to protect his friends from a dangerous storm. From panicking puffins to an entangled squid and whale, Turtle Tug is out to rescue all his sea-dwelling friends! --Publisher
Read in Preschool Time
By Emily Gravett
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2016. Picture Book.
Pete likes everything to be neat and tidy--but sometimes it's good to know when to stop. In this fresh and funny story from one of today's most gifted storytellers, a lovable badger learns to love his forest home just the way it is. Even if it is a bit messy. --Publisher
Read in Friday Book Babies
Written by Doreen Cronin
Illustrated by Scott Menchin
Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2005. Picture Book.
Read in Friday Cuentos
Escrito y Ilustrado por Andrew Sanders
TraducciĆ³n por Pilar Roda
Grupo Editorial BruƱo, 2018. Spanish Picture Book.
Si intentas beberte un rico zumo de naranja sin pedir permiso antes a su dueƱo, puede que acabes un pocoā¦Ā”CHOFFF! Pero ĀæquĆ© pasa si se lo pides por favor? --Publisher