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From Story Time: The Letter "S"

Read in Monday Book Babies

Written by Alison Jackson
Illustrated by Tricia Tusa
Puffin Books, 2002.  Picture Book.

Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Valentine.  I have written forty letters, but you've never read a line.  While Valentine goes about her day, doing chores around her mountain cabin, her secret admirer is hard at work trying to find a way to ask her an important question.  He tried many ways to contact her, including Morse code and smoke signals, but he can never complete his message.  Will he ever be able to reach his beloved Valentine?  --Publisher

Read in Monday Cuentos

La idea mƔs maravillosa
Por Ashley Spires
Beascoa, 2018.  Spanish Picture Book.

La idea mĆ”s maravillosa es un cuento infantil que trata sobre la creatividad y los pasos del proceso creativo. Una historia que motivarĆ” a niƱos y niƱas a no desanimarse, a cambiar su perspectiva y a probar de nuevo. Un dĆ­a, una niƱa amanece con una magnĆ­fica idea en su cabeza. Con la ayuda de su perro y asistente decide dedicarse a construirla. Sabe cĆ³mo serĆ”. Sabe cĆ³mo funcionarĆ”. Y piensa que serĆ” muy fĆ”cil crearla. Pero cuando se pone manos a la obra, se da cuenta de que es una tarea mĆ”s difĆ­cil de lo que ella pensaba... Trabaja, trabaja y trabaja, Ā”pero no consigue que funcione! Pero entonces su ayudante logra convencerla de que se tome un descanso, para regresar a su proyecto mĆ”s tarde con entusiasmo renovado, y volverlo a intentar. ĀæSerĆ” suficiente para conseguir construir el invento mĆ”s maravilloso jamĆ”s visto?  --Publisher

Read in Toddler Time

Stick and Stone
Written by Beth Ferry
Illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld

When Stick rescues Stone from a prickly situation with a Pinecone, the pair becomes fast friends. But when Stick gets stuck, can Stone return the favor? Author Beth Ferry makes a memorable debut with a warm, rhyming text that includes a subtle anti-bullying message even the youngest reader will understand. New York Times bestselling illustrator Tom Lichtenheld imbues Stick and Stone with energy, emotion, and personality to spare. In this funny story about kindness and friendship, Stick and Stone join George and Martha, Frog and Toad, and Elephant and Piggie, as some of the best friend duos in childrenā€™s literature.  --Publisher

Read in Preschool Time

Written by Mac Barnett
Illustrated by Jon Klassen
Candlewick Press, 2018.  Picture Book.

This book is about Square. Square spends every day taking blocks from a pile below the ground to a pile above the ground. This book is also about Squareā€™s friend Circle. Circle thinks Square is an artistic genius. But is he really? With the second story in a trilogy of tales about Triangle, Square, and Circle, Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen nudge readers toward a more well-rounded way of looking at things. Understated and striking in its simplicity, this funny, thoughtful offering from two of todayā€™s most talented picture-book creators emphasizes the importance of keeping your eyes ā€” and your mind ā€” open to wonder where others see only rubble and rocks. 

Read in Preschool Time

I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean
By Kevin Sherry
Dial Books for Young Readers, 2007.  Picture Book.

When a giant squid takes inventory of all of the creatures in the ocean, he realizes that he's way bigger than most of them! Of course, there are bigger things lurking around . . . but maybe this giant squid with a giant touch of hubris doesn't really care?  First-time author-illustrator Kevin Sherry is sure to garner fans of all sizes for his perfect-for-preschool read-aloud with simple text, bold and delightful collage art, and a lovable squid whose spirit just cannot be crushed. 

Read in Friday Book Babies

Falling For Rapunzel
Written by Leah Wilcox
Illustrated by Lydia Monks
G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2003.  Picture Book.

When the prince spies Rapunzel high in her tower, he's convinced she is the girl of his dreams. Of course he thinks he can save her the traditional way, but this is no traditional Rapunzel. She throws down everything but what the prince asks for--including a surprise that makes all his dreams come true.  A hilarious fractured fairy tale with clever page-turns and vibrant, eclectic art that is perfect for funny Valentine's Day story hours.  --Publisher

Read in Friday Cuentos

Ā”Estamos en un libro!
Por Mo Willems
TraducciĆ³n por F. Isabel Campoy
Hyperion Books for Children, 2015.  Spanish Picture Book.

Gerlado es cuidadoso.  Cerdita no lo es.  Cerdita no puede evitar sonreir.  Geraldo sĆ­ puede.  Geraldo se preocupa para que Cerdita no tenga que hacerlo.  Geraldo y Cerdita son los mejores amigos.  Geraldo y Cerdita descubren el placer de que los lean.  Pero Ā”ĀæquĆ© va a pasar cuando se acabe el libro?!  --Publisher


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