The Long-Lost Home (Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place # 6)
By Maryrose Wood
Balzer + Bray, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2018. Historical Fantasy, 440 p.
If you were to ask me for a list of my top five audio books to listen to then I would mention the series The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, which may or may not be one of my all-time favorite listens. The Long-Lost Home is the sixth and final book in this series. (If you have not read this series, please start with The Mysterious Howling, which is just brilliant!) All in all, this is still one of the great children’s series to listen to on audio books. Not only because it has great narrators, but all in all because they are just brilliant books.
In this book, Penelope Lumley is trapped as a governess for a family of kids in Russia. Miss Lumley is unhappy and misses her Incorrigible charges—and not only because they have better manners but also because she now knows that they are in danger! (Warning: small spoilers are about to follow if you haven’t read the previous books in this series…)
The curse on the Ashtons (and also the Incorrigible Children) is about to come to a head with the birth of Lady Constance’s baby. Edward Ashton is determined to make sure that his descendants are the ones to survive the curse—which means killing Penelope and the three Incorrigibles. Throughout the previous five books there were all sorts of mysteries that seemed to have no answers. Well, in this final installment there are a lot of answers thrown in amidst the daring journey of Penelope as she tries to get back to Ashton Place.
Although this last book is not narrated by the great Kathrine Kellgren (who passed away from cancer this past year), Fiona Hardingham does a good job at keeping the pace and character voices & nuances that Kellgren introduced as a narrator in the previous five books. And if you listen to the book you will hear the dedication talk about all that (I almost cried, really). So basically this is a brilliant book (and series!) to listen to. Yeah, can you tell that I love this and that I would recommend things over and over again?