One Mixed-up Night
by Catherine Newman
Random House, 2017. Fiction. 191 p.
Frankie and Walter have always loved IKEA. They love to look through the catalogs doing the "picking" game, choosing what thing on each page they would most like. They also both love reading and their favorite book is From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. It is from that book that they get the crazy idea that they could stow away and spend the night at IKEA. After successfully convincing their parents that they are each sleeping over at the other's house, they begin their night of fun and adventure, dodging security, playing on all the cool furniture, and finally talking about the terrible grief they have been hiding deep inside.
What kid hasn't dreamed of spending the night in a department store? This is definitely a "wish fulfillment" type of book that children will really enjoy. It is also a good book about the affect that family grief has on a child and how having one good friend can make all the difference.