The Little Red Fort
By Brenda Maier
Pictures by Sonia Sánchez
Scholastic Press, 2018. Picture Book.
Ruby is a smart, inventive kid. So when she finds some boards, she makes a plan as to what she can do with them (the answer is build a fort). However, like the Little Red Hen, Ruby’s all alone in building her project. Her three brothers are too busy (playing games or laying in the sunshine) to be bothered to help. However, once the fort is built they too want to enjoy playing in the space. With other grownups helping Ruby she is able to accomplish her goal of building a fort (her Dad is around while drawing up plans, her Mom is around when she uses the saws and other tools, and her Grandma and Mom are around when she actually builds the fort). This does have a happy ending in that her brothers finally do something to earn their right to play with their sister in the fort. This is a fun retelling of a classic fairy tale.