Dance, Dance, Dance!
By Ethan Long
Holiday House, I Like to Read, 2018. Easy Reader.
In this hilarious new easy reader (that is the size/shape of a picture book) Horse and Buggy (a horse and a bug—specifically a fly) talk about dancing. Horse dances all over regardless of the fact that there is no music. Buggy is at first curious and then a little annoyed because Horse says he is dancing but Buggy doesn’t hear any music (so how could it be dancing?). There are bold colors with fun background textures. There are square white text boxes that make it obvious which character is speaking. There are expressive characters and dance moves that will make adult readers who are familiar with movies and particular dance moves chuckle. All in all, this is a great new easy reader that will hopefully be the beginning of Horse and Buggy’s adventures. Such fun.