Read in Book Babies
By Bethanie Deeney Murguia
Little Bee Books, 2017. Picture Book.
Read in Toddler Time
By Michael Slack
Henry Holt and Company, 2011. Picture Book.
Monkey Truck has a mission! He's on the lookout for all sorts of jungle bungles--there are chameleons to rescue before they get squashed, snakes to untangle, and hippos to pull free. And look out for that TSUNAMI! This playful picture book is perfect for preschoolers who like to be silly and prefer their adventures set in overdrive. --Publisher
Read in Preschool Time
By Paulette Bogan
Bloomsbury, 2015. Picture Book.
Virgil the penguin has found a polar bear! It will be his polar bear...and only his. This polar bear's name is Owen, and he likes to play with everyone on the iceberg. Virgil and Owen might someday be best buddies, but sometimes to make new friends, you first have to learn how not to make friends... --Publisher
Read in Preschool Time
Written by Smriti Prasadam-Halls
Illustrated by Katherina Manolessou
Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2017. Picture Book.
Reginald's a T. rex who is just as mighty as the rest. He has a loud roar and all the speed a dino could need. But, when it comes to mealtime, he would rather chow down on beans and greens than the juicy steaks his pals prefer. So when the other dinosaurs make him feel like he doesn't belong, Reginald shows his clan how strong a vegetarian T. rex can be. A celebration of delicious fruits and veggies, T. Veg is a rollicking, laugh-out-loud tale about a brave dinosaur who dares to be different. --Publisher
Read in Monday Cuentos
By Emily Gravett
Castillo de la lectura, 2008. Spanish Picture Book.
Un conejo va a la biblioteca y saca un libro sobre lobos. El libro explica dĆ³nde veven los lobos, cuĆ”ntos dientes tienen y quĆ© les gusta comer. El libro es tan interesante que el conejo no se da cuenta de que una figura sinistra con garras y colmillos afilados comienza a desprenderse de las pĆ”ginas para acecharloā¦ Un libro Ć”lbum de excepcional ingenio y originalidad, con dos finales alternativos para satisfacer a los lectores mĆ”s exigentes. --Publisher
Read in Friday Cuentos
Written by Salina Yoon
Translated by Margarida Trias
Corimbo, 2015. Spanish Picture Book.
Cuando PingĆ¼ino se va de vacaciones a la playa, descubre que lo que las hace especiales no es adĆ³nde vas, sino con quĆen vas. --Publisher