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From Story Time: The Letter "Q"

Read in Book Babies

Alice the Fairy
By David Shannon
Blue Sky Press, 2004.  Picture Book.

Alice has a nose for trouble, but luckily she's a fairy--a Temporary Fairy.  She has a magic wand, fairy wings, and a blanket, all of which she uses to disappear, to fly, to transform her dad into a horse, and to turn his cookies into her own!  There are still a few things Alice needs to learn to become a Permanent Fairy, like how to float her dog on the ceiling and make her clothes put themselves away, but she's working on it--sort of.  Here's an endearing, funny story about a girl and her magical imagination, sure to delight every fairy in training!  --Publisher

Read in Toddler Time

Thump, Quack, Moo:  A Whacky Adventure
Written by Doreen Cronin
Illustrated by Betsy Lewin
Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2008.  Picture Book.

It's time for the annual Corn Maze Festival.  The farm is bursting with activity.  Cluck Whack!  The chickens build a fence around the cornfield.  Moo Thwack!  The cows give the barn a fresh coat of paint.  Thump.  Quack!  Duck builds the ticket booth for the hot-air balloon ride.  Everyone is excited.  Well, Duck is not excited exactly.  But he has a plan.  As Farmer Brown designs the corn maze for the festival, Duck does some designing of his own.  Guess who's in for a big surprise?  The always-creative, always-hilarious, always-champions-of-corn-mazes pair who brought you Click, Clack, Moo:  Cows That Type; Giggle, Giggle, Quack; and Duck for President have planned a terrific event.  Step right up, folks.  --Publisher

Read in Preschool Time

Sir Ryan's Quest
By Jason Deeble
Roaring Brook Press, 2009.  Picture Book.

On an otherwise ordinary day, Ryan crawls into the kitchen cupboard and with the help of his imagination becomes Sir Ryan, a brave knight with a sense of adventure.  Follow him through uncharted closets and treacherous basements, as he transforms ordinary household objects into a medieval cast of mystics, monsters, and castle guards.  Jason Deeble amusingly depicts one boy's daydream in a picture book debut that is sure to inspire a quest or two of your own.  --Publisher

Read in Preschool Time

Giggle, Giggle, Quack
Written by Doreen Cronin
Illustrated by Betsy Lewin
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2002.

Farmer Brown is going on vacation.  He asks his brother, Bob, to take care of the animals.  "But keep an eye on Duck.  He's trouble."  Bob follows the instructions in Farmer Brown's notes exactly.  He orders pizza with anchovies for the hens, bathes the pigs with bubble bath, and lets the cows choose a movie.  Is that giggling he hears?  Giggle, giggle quack, giggle, moo, giggle, oinkā€¦The duck, the cows, the hens, and the pigs are back in top form in this hilarious follow-up to the beloved Caldecott  Honor Book Click, Clack, Moo:  Cows that Type.  --Publisher

Read in Monday Cuentos

Written by Germano Zullo
Illustrated by Albertine
Translated by Araya Goitia Leizaola
Ediciones EkarĆ©, 2015.  Spanish Picture Book.

Rogelio Corcel y su caballo DadĆ” son los campeones mundiales de salto de obstĆ”culos.  Hacen tan buen equipo que son prĆ”cticamente invencibles. Pero el dĆ­a del Concurso Internacional de Saint-Melchor-de-la-Flor, DadĆ” parece haber perdido todas sus habilidades.  ĀæQuĆ© le sucede a DadĆ”?  Rogelio Corcel recurre a varios especialistas para hacer regresar al Dada campeĆ³n.  No resultarĆ” fĆ”cil, aunque la soluciĆ³n tal vez estĆ© a simple vista...  --Publisher

Read in Friday Cuentos

ĀæCĆ³mo eligen sus MASCOTAS los dinosaurios?
Written by Jane Yolen
Illustrated by Mark Teague
Translated by Juan Pablo Lombana
Scholastic Inc., 2017.  Spanish Picture Book.

ĀæQuĆ© mascota elige un dinosaurio? ĀæTal vez un tiburĆ³n hambriento ... porque siempre ha querido un acuario? ĀæSerĆ” que elige dos cebras y dos tortugas tambiĆ©n? ĀæCrees que eso estĆ” bien?  En este libro lleno de humor y maravillosas ilustraciones, los dinosaurios sorprenden a sus padres trayendo a casa mascotas un poco inusuales. ĀæQuĆ© pasarĆ­a si un niƱo trae a casa a un tigre de mascota? ĀæO a un elefante? ĀæO a una cebra?  --Publisher


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