Charlie & Mouse
by Laurel Snyder
Chronicle Books, 2017. Easy Reader, 36 p.
This is the first in a new Easy Reader series about the daily life of Charlie and his younger brother, Mouse. The book contains four mini stories and is illustrated with charming ink and watercolor drawings. Charlie and Mouse have quiet, every-day, adventures full of family and love that will appeal to the target audience. This book has very low level vocabulary, but a quaint kind of charm reminiscent of the Little Bear and Frog and Toad books.
by Laurel Snyder
Chronicle Books, 2017. Easy Reader, 36 p.
This is the first in a new Easy Reader series about the daily life of Charlie and his younger brother, Mouse. The book contains four mini stories and is illustrated with charming ink and watercolor drawings. Charlie and Mouse have quiet, every-day, adventures full of family and love that will appeal to the target audience. This book has very low level vocabulary, but a quaint kind of charm reminiscent of the Little Bear and Frog and Toad books.