The Tiny Hero of Ferny Creek Library
By Linda Bailey
Illustrated by Victoria Jamieson
Harper Collins, 2017. Fiction. 324 p.
Eddie is a bright green bug. His family lives in an elementary school. They were brought into the classroom in a container that ended up breaking. His family made their home behind a classroom chalkboard. Eddie's aunt learns to read and loves visiting the library. One day his aunt doesn't come back and Eddie decides to save her! In the process he finds out the library itself is in danger, and he is determined to do all he can to save it.
There are many literary references throughout. Eddie's aunt knows children's books, and uses the characters to inspire Eddie in his endeavors. Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little by E. B. White are mentioned throughout and the story of The Tiny Hero of Ferny Creek Library has a similar feel. It is perfect for younger children ready for longer books.