The Bad Seed
Jory John
Illustrated by Pete Oswald
HarperCollins Publishers, 2017. Picture Book.
There is a seed that is a bad seed. And I mean a BAD SEED! Every other seed knows just how bad he is. He is terrible. He never washes his hands. He lies. He is late. He cuts in line. He is bad, bad, bad! However, the Bad Seed has a story as to why he is bad. There was a traumatic experience in his life (he is a sunflower seed that at one point was in a bag while at a baseball game—and readers can just guess what happens to sunflower seeds while at baseball games). As the story progresses readers will learn that perhaps seeds that are bad might become good again. This is a great way to talk about actions and consequences and attitudes to difficult situations. And, it is fun to read about the story of this “baaaaaad seed!”