Unexpected Life of Oliver Cromwell Pitts : A Novel
by Avi
Workman Publishing, 2017. Fiction. 308 p.
Oliver lives with his older sister Charity and a neglectful father, in 1700's England. When Charity leaves for London to seek a better life and future, Oliver is left in the dubious care of his father. One day catastrophe strikes and Oliver, Charity and their father are swept away by the forces of fate and the corruption of London to progressively more dire situations.
Here is a book for kids who like A Series of Unfortunate Events. Oliver is an endearing character with a lot of pluck and an undying love for his sister which drives him forward in the face of insurmountable odds. Avi includes healthy helpings of both adventure and humor and his depiction of 18th century London will help readers appreciate the rights and luxuries they enjoy of modern American society.
by Avi
Workman Publishing, 2017. Fiction. 308 p.
Oliver lives with his older sister Charity and a neglectful father, in 1700's England. When Charity leaves for London to seek a better life and future, Oliver is left in the dubious care of his father. One day catastrophe strikes and Oliver, Charity and their father are swept away by the forces of fate and the corruption of London to progressively more dire situations.
Here is a book for kids who like A Series of Unfortunate Events. Oliver is an endearing character with a lot of pluck and an undying love for his sister which drives him forward in the face of insurmountable odds. Avi includes healthy helpings of both adventure and humor and his depiction of 18th century London will help readers appreciate the rights and luxuries they enjoy of modern American society.