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Display: Movies and Filmmaking

Keep Your Eye on the Kid: The Early Years of Buster Keaton
By Catherine Brighton
This biography of Buster Keaton evokes the streets and stages of early twentieth century America and brings the remarkable childhood of a timeless comedian to life.

Mack Made Movies
By Don Brown
A simple biography of the director whose silent films immortalized such slapstick clowns as the Keystone Kops, Charlie Chaplin, Fatty Arbuckle, Mabel Normand, and Ben Turpin.

Brick flicks : A Comprehensive Guide to Making Your Own Stop-Motion LEGO Movies
By Sarah Herman
Turn your bricks into blockbusters with this movie-making guide! You've seen the smash-hit film; now it's time to step into the director's chair and make your own. Forget big budgets, A-list movie stars, and exotic locations--this comprehensive guide will show you how to make a stop-motion movies using little more than a camera, a computer, and your own LEGO collection.

The Young Oxford Book of The Movies
By David Parkinson
Explores the history of film around the world, from the earliest shadow show to the blockbusters of today, discussing the transition from the silent era to "talkies" and examining specific genres such as comedy, cowboy pictures, and horror movies.

By John Canemaker
Think of your favourite moments and characters in Disney films from the thirties to the seventies and chances are most were animated by one of Walt Disney's 'Nine Old Men'. Through the span of their careers, these nine highly skilled animators, with widely differing artistic gifts, viewpoints, personalities and ambitions, exhibited an unparalleled loyalty to their employer. In this book, noted film historian John Canemaker brings to life the team whose combined individual genius defined the art of character animation. Illustrated in full-colour throughout.

By Disney Enterprises
Showcases the works of the Disney animation artists, presenting the pre-production and concept art for animated films and characters from the 1920s to the present day.

Translated by Yuji Oniki
Provides sketches, backgrounds, and character designs from the film "Spirited away" and includes information about the making of the film as well as the screenplay.

By Mark Schulman
Provides information for young filmmakers on making video films, including advice on scriptwriting, camera work, special effects, and editing.

By Frank Viva
Charlotte is a filmmaker. She lives in New York with her parents and their cat, Smudge. Charlotte likes to make movies, and through her camera lens, she sees the world differently from the other kids.

Eloise in her own inimitable style takes Hollywood by storm.

By Lucy Cousins
Maisy and her friends head to the movies. With tickets and snacks at the ready, they scramble for seats and settle in for the movie to begin. Cyril's a little afraid of the dark, but Maisy is happy to hold his hand. When Eddie enthusiastically shouts at the screen, he quickly learns a lesson in movie etiquette!

By Richard Platt
A photographic essay explores the history and technology of filmmaking, including how a set is built, how stunts are performed, how special effects are achieved, and how films are edited.

By Michael Glassbourg
Presents a guide to the basics of movie making, offering guidance on cinematography, visual storytelling, filming with a crew, post-production, and promoting the final product.

By Mary Colson
Encourages readers who dream of becoming filmmakers to take steps toward making their dreams come true, offering tips on brainstorming, keeping a journal, writing a script, and creating a storyboard.


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