Read in Book Babies
By Kevin Sherry
Dial Books for Young Readers, 2008. Picture Book.
Giant Squid is back! First he was the biggest thing in the ocean, and now he's the best artist. Giant Squid loves to draw all of the things he sees in the ocean, but some of his friends aren't quite as excited with his artistic enthusiasm when the ink starts splatting around on them. Sherry once again delights with silly squid antics and beautiful watercolor illustrations.
Read in Toddler Time
Written by Jill Nogales
Illustrated by Lorraine Rocha
Peachtree Publishers, 2016. Picture Book.
The circus is starting, and Zebra accidentally steps on Lion's toe. Lion gives chase, and soon we are zooming out of the circus, through the city, past the coastal park, out on the pier, and into boats on the ocean! When Lion's inflatable raft is punctured by a narwhal, suddenly the tables are turned. What will Zebra do? Colorful illustrations, large-eyed animals, and rhyming text combine to create an adventurous read aloud!
Read in Preschool Time
Written by Peter Mandel
Illustrated by Elwood Smith
Holiday House, 2012. Picture Book.
It's a quiet morning at the zoo...that is until there's a huge elephant sneeze! Before you know it, the sneezing travels to each of the animals. But each of those animals have sneezes so big that hippo mud, seal water, and rubber balls are flying through the air. The zookeeper has quite the job, wiping noses, cleaning messes, and getting medication to all of the sneezy animals. Just when everything is settled down, he hears something else that might be contagious -- even for you!
Read in Preschool Time
Written by Jenna Harrington
Illustrated by Finn Simpson
Tiger Tales, 2015. Picture Book.
Katie is finally big enough to get a pet. When Dad tries to guess what pet she wants, he's surprised when she says a zebra! You can't keep a zebra as a pet, or even get one at a pet store...can you? Come along for an adventure with Katie who has zebra pet ownership all figured out.
Read in Monday Cuentos
Written by Doreen Cronin
Illustrated by Betsy Lewin
Lectorum Publications, 2008. Picture Book.
The annual Corn Maze Festival is coming and everyday the chickens, cows,
and Duck help Farmer Brown--with a few bribes--to create a special
Statue of Liberty corn maze, and every night Duck works hard recreating
his own surprise. (Publisher)
Read in Friday Cuentos
Written by Margaret Wise Brown
Illustrated by Henry Fisher
Parragon, 2016. Picture Book.
Saluda a los pajaros y observa a la gente mientras cruzas el firmamento
con estas rimas llenas de movimiento, imaginaciĆ³n y diversiĆ³n. (Publisher)