Read in Book Babies
By Todd Hannert
Chronicle Books, 2001. Picture Book.
Sherman is bored with the same old morning routine. Who wants to do the same thing, the same way, every single day? So today when Mom hollers for him to hurry up and eat breakfast before school, he decides to change thing up with a special dance. His dance sends him through the air, out the window, and for a ride on the back of his dog! At least that's how he remembers it. But eventually he makes it to the breakfast table, happy as can be. Share a new morning dance with your little ones and add some variety to your morning routine!
Read in Toddler Time
By Tim Hopgood
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009. Picture Book.
Read in Preschool Time
By Steve Breen
Harper, 2016. Picture Book.
Benny the Woodpecker has discovered the most amazing thing in the world at the local diner -- waffles! He's decided that he really, really wants some (and who can blame him?), but the beehive-haired waitress isn't about to let him inside, despite his ingenious disguises. The other forest animals think he's nuts, but Benny convinces them all to come watch his waffle-plan in action. Little do they know, they are the crucial component to the success of his breakfast-food pilfering! Be prepared for giggles galore -- this bird is clever and determined. And I can totally relate: sometimes you just gotta have those waffles!
Read in Preschool Time
Written by Doreen Cronin
Illustrated by Scott Menchin
Athenaeum Books for Young Readers, 2005. Picture Book.
Do you have a wiggly little one? Reading this book with them will give
ample opportunity to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle right along with Cronin's
darling dog ("First wiggle where your tail would be/Then wiggle all your
hair/Feeling extra silly?/Wiggle in your underwear!"). Fun
illustrations and silly situations will add some giggles to those fun
Read in Monday Cuentos
By Keiko Kasza
Editorial Norma, 2006. Picture Book.
RatĆ³n y Tigre son Ćntimos amigos, pero como Tigre es mucho mĆ”s grande
que RatĆ³n, no deja de aprovecharse de Ć©l y de hacerle la vida imposible.
Sin embargo, llega el momento de desquite. Tigre tiene que reconocer
finalmente que para conservar a su amigo, debe compartir todo
equitativamente y unirse a Ć©l tanto en las buenas como en las malas. (Publisher)
Read in Friday Cuentos
By Keiko Kasza
Editorial Norma, 2006. Picture Book.
Choco es un pequeƱo pƔjaro amarillo que estƔ buscando desesperadamente
una mamĆ”, pero le es imposible encontrarla, hasta cuando ya ha perdido
todas las esperanzas y una nueva candidata aparece. (Publisher)