Look Up!
By Jung Jin-Ho
Have you ever had the experience where you read a book and then you feel as if that book has changed you a little bit? Well, that was the case with this book for me. In this book a young girl who is in a wheel chair rolls to the edge of her balcony in her apartment high above the sidewalk. She keeps saying āLook up!ā to all the people below who are small and look like ants (especially since all she really sees are the heads of those people). But finally, finally one boy hears herāand does something in response to hearing her. The action was simple, yet it impacted more than just the boy and the girl. The resulting āawe!ā that comes from reading this story will hopefully inspire other young readers to stop and look a little more at the world around them. Seriously, this is a good one. All young, kind-hearted readers should check out this particular story.