Read in Book Babies
Written by Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson
Illustrated by Brian Won
Scholastic Press, 2017. Picture Book.
Spunky little monkey is sleepy and doesn't want to get out of bed, but before we know it, he's up and exercising! "Ding dong, clap clap, stomp stomp, shake shake!" This is an excellent read aloud for youngsters that employs multiple methods of involvement, including rhyming, call and response, changing book position, and physical activity. Won's bold, colorful, and fun illustrations add to it all the more!
Read in Toddler Time
Written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld
Chronicle Books, 2009. Picture Book.
Is it a duck? Or is it a rabbit? We're not sure who's right or wrong, but this book emphasizes that we all see things a little differently! Don't be surprised if the simple illustrations elicit giggles from your little ones. What do they see from their perspective? Help them build their vocabulary by letting them explain which animal they choose and why!
Read in Preschool Time
By James Dean
HarperCollins Publishers, 2015. Picture Book.
Pete the Cat wants to play catch with his friends, but they're all doing something he builds a robot! Robo-Pete likes to do whatever Pete the Cat likes to do, but Pete decides it's not very fun to play with someone to throws too far, runs too fast, and plays too loud. When he returns to the playground with his friends, Pete realizes that "just being with friends is what makes it fun!" Another great installment for kids who love the adventures of Pete the Cat.
Read in Preschool Time
By Jan Cabrera
Holiday House, 2014. Picture Book.
You know the old familiar tune well, but as little dog and cat row gently down the stream, the song expands to include jungle animals and their sounds too! Acrylic paint illustrations exhibit bold strokes and texture that add to the visual interest and fun.
Read in Monday Cuentos
By Miguel Cerro Rico
Pontevedra, 2016. Picture Book.
"Un diluvio inunda el bosque y sus habitantes tendrƔn que salir adelante
en un improvisado refugio. Un pequeƱo zorro se ofrece para buscar comida
y agua, pero el grupo no cree en sus capacidades--ni en sus
intenciones--y encomienda esas tareas a otros animales." (Publisher)
Read in Friday Cuentos
Written by Victoria PĆ©rez EscrivĆ”
Illustrated by Claudia Ranucci
Zaragoza : Talleres GrƔficos Edelvives, 2008. Picture Book.
A los animales, ya sean grandes o pequeƱos, como el hipopĆ³tamo, el
castor, el oso, la lagartija o la nutria, les encanta participar en todo
tipo de pruebas deportivas y compartir el espĆritu olĆmpico. Por eso
tienen sus propias Animaliadas. Los osos tienen los brazos y las patas
mƔs fuertes, una canoa mejor ... Pero los ratones ganan la carrera de
piraguismo. ¿CĆ³mo lo han hecho? (Publisher)